CodeSnip problems, problems, problems
Arrgh! I've been having a lot of problems with the CodeSnip program's database update code - it's been working for some and not for others. All this has happened since I converted the program to Unicode and compiled with Delphi 2010. I'm posting this for two reasons: To try to explain to long suffering users what has been going on with program lately - it's not usually this flaky. To forewarn anyone about to fall down the same hole as I have. The problem never raised its head on my system, but did on some that don't use the Windows-1252 code page. The problem was caused by a checksum failure, which in turn was caused by the downloaded data being converted to the wrong code page before the checksum got calculated: result - bang - bad checksum. My code relies on Indy components to translate downloaded content into text - and Indy and I make different assumptions about how this should be done. And I'm not sure either of us was correct, but they ar