
Showing posts from December, 2010

RIP DelphiDabbler Mailing Lists

If you have been a subscriber to my mailing lists you may have noticed that there have been no mailings since about June 2010. That's because I've decided to stop producing newsletters. The reason? I'm afraid I just don't have the time. There are more efficient and much more timely ways of getting site news out there via news feeds and through my Twitter account. Here are the RSS feed links: site news CodeSnip program and Code Snippets Database news DelphiDabbler Code Library News Delphi Tips News This blog Twitter My twitter account is @delphidabbler . And don't worry, I don't (t)witter on about my personal life - you won't get to know about my dogs' birthdays (both 13 in January actually - damn!) or what brand of perfume my wife likes - it's just limited to site and blog news! Finally my website's news section pulls most of this stuff together.

CodeSnip v4

I've started development of version 4 of CodeSnip , the Delphi source code snippets editor and viewer. I am inviting suggestions for new features. If you have any ideas please use the project's Feature Tracker on SourceForge. If you prefer to discuss your ideas then please leave a comment to this posting. There's a new branch of CodeSnip 's Subversion repository that contains the v4 development code. I've only just started work on this and I don't expect to release the first beta for a number of months yet. In the meantime I will be maintaining the v3 code base and may even add some simple enhancements. But don't expect any major changes to v3.