A Little Birthday Rant!

Today is my birthday, I'm 62 today. I'm British and I'm officially a grumpy old man. So am I allowed a little birthday rant? My topic: The failure of software developers to internationalise dates irritates much, much more than it probably should! Well, it is still my birthday in the GMT/UTC time zone. It's 3/1/2021. In a significant chunk of the world it is or recently was 3/1/2021. So why the expletive are Google still sending me stats that say it's the 1st of March (1/3/2021)? On the increasingly rare occasions they send me cheques they're in pounds, not dollars. So why are they still getting the date format wrong for most of the bloody world? Sadly Google are not alone. Some British companies get this wrong too, which is even worse. Here's a list of the countries and the date formats they use. This is according to the gods of Wikipedia (so it must be right!) M/D/Y isn't that popular is it? Maybe the Google developers should start usin...