New program: Meany - the average calculator

I've just released v0.1.0 of Meany , a mathematical averages calculator. Why? Well I recently added a bunch of averaging functions to the DelphiDabbler Code Snippets Collection . When trying to find data to test the functions I ended up using average calculators on five or six web pages. Some pages calculated just one type of mean, while another did a collection of different means or modes etc., but no one site did it all. This app lets you use all the new averaging functions in the collection in one place. Here's the UI: Click the button for the function you want. Enter a list of data in the Values memo control. For a weighted average enter the required weights (one per value). For power means you also need to enter a power. Then click calculate. Data can be entered as whole numbers, decimal numbers or in scientific format. Numbers can be separated by spaces, new lines or a list separator character. You must use the correct decimal point and list separator for your current l...