PasHi Pascal Highlighter v2.0.0 Released (At Last!)

After a mere five and a half years in beta, I've finally got round to finishing off and releasing v2.0 of my PasHi Pascal Syntax Highlighter . This is a command line program that highlights Pascal source code and outputs CSS styled HTML code. I use it to highlight source code for my website. Version 2 is a massive update from version 1 - there are loads of new commands. This would turn into a very long post if I was to list everything the program does - there's a comprehensive user guide for anyone interested. For a list of changes from the last v1 release see the change log . There's a GUI front end that can control PasHi to save typing in lots of commands. That too is now out of beta. Here's a pic of the program after it's used PasHi to highlight some code using an emulation of Delphi's twilight style: PasHi lives on GitHub. You can grab the program and its source code from the GitHub release page .