4 Degrees Of Programming Distraction

One of the advantages about being a hobbyist coder is that I have no deadlines and can go where my interests take me. One of the disadvantages about being a hobbyist coder is that I have no deadlines and can go where my interests take me. Here's a cautionary tale of four degrees of programming distraction I've just blundered through. Maybe I need to focus! There was the plan... As long ago as New Year's Day 2021 I confidently announced that I'd decided on a related pair of programs I was going to concentrate on. Two days later I'd decided on a third one to join the group. So I started on them right? Not a chance! 1st degree I was working on a music mix and made my usual mistake of spending too long on the mix without resting my ears. Right, I thought, what I need is a little timer app that tells me to take a break. But not one of the many available. Oh no. What I want is one tailored to the ideal work pattern when mixing music. 2nd degree So, I...