Feelin’ my age (part 4): Sinclair SuperBASIC on the QL

In the 3rd post in this series, Remembering UCSD P-system Pascal , I babbled on about my experience with UCSD P-system Pascal and mentioned the Sinclair QL and its built in dialect of BASIC - SuperBASIC . I still have a soft spot for that BASIC. Sinclair QL with the infamous microdrive tape cartridges. Photo from the Internet Archive Before acquiring the QL the whole of my programming had been done in BASIC. I'd read about other languages but never used them. These BASICs were quite primitive or, in the case of the Level 1 BASIC on my 4Kb TRS-80 Model 1, extremely primitive. SuperBASIC was so different. Later it occurred to me that it leaned more towards Pascal. It's certainly has much better support for structured programming than the standard basics. For example it had: Multi-line IF - THEN - ELSE - END IF statements. A generalised repeat loop construct: REPeat - NEXT - EXIT - END REPeat. This can be exited anywhere within the loop. An IF - T...