Top Secret Code Snippets Test Code
For about three months now I've had some code that tests and exercises some of the snippets in the Code Snippets Database . But, if you don't get the Code Snippets newsletter, you won't know about it because I forgot to tell anyone else! Anyhow, the code is stored in my Delphi Doodlings Subversion repository on Assembla in the CodeSnippets sub-directory of the trunk. There are currently three test projects: TestDriveCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-Drive sub-directory. This is a demo program that exercises all the routines in the Code Snippets database's Drive Management category. This project was updated today to bring up to date with a new addition to the category. TestHexCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-Hex sub-directory This is a set of DUnit tests for all the routines in the Hex Utilities category. TestWinSysCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-WynSys sub-directory. This new demo program was added today and exercises all the routines in the Windows System category. I'm only u...