Top Secret Code Snippets Test Code

For about three months now I've had some code that tests and exercises some of the snippets in the Code Snippets Database. But, if you don't get the Code Snippets newsletter, you won't know about it because I forgot to tell anyone else!

Anyhow, the code is stored in my Delphi Doodlings Subversion repository on Assembla in the CodeSnippets sub-directory of the trunk.

There are currently three test projects:

  • TestDriveCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-Drive sub-directory.
    This is a demo program that exercises all the routines in the Code Snippets database's Drive Management category. This project was updated today to bring up to date with a new addition to the category.
  • TestHexCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-Hex sub-directory
    This is a set of DUnit tests for all the routines in the Hex Utilities category.
  • TestWinSysCat.dpr in the Src/Cat-WynSys sub-directory.
    This new demo program was added today and exercises all the routines in the Windows System category.

I'm only updating this project as I need the tests or as code comes my way. So if you've written any tests for the any of the code from the database, please let me have it.


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