Corona Virus Screws With

Trivial as it is compared with everything that's going on right now, I thought I'd give an update about moving the website to a new host.

The web hosting company that has generously offered to host the site in future is suffering set backs as a consequence of the corona virus. I just hope that the guys at the hosting company are personally keeping well.

Consequently I'm not sure if we'll be able to get the site moved before the current hosting agreement ends on 15 June. So it's looking more likely that plan B will need to be activated, if only as a stop gap.

Plan B is to point the domain at the site currently being developed on GitHub. You can see the current state of play at We're going to loose a lot of stuff if this happens, but everything is backed up so, if and when it's possible, said stuff can be restored.

As I said, keeping a little web site running while people are dying across the world just doesn't matter. But I'll do what I can. Bear with me.

Stay well everyone.


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