Renamed Unit2NS app to DUSE at release 0.3.0

Release 0.3.0 of the app formerly known as Unit2NS was released yesterday. Unit2NS is/was a little application that, given a unit name, finds all the unit scopes that contain a unit of that name. For example, on Delphi 11.3 Enterprise there's a unit named Json in the following unit scopes: Data.Bind FireDAC.Comp.BatchMove REST System The thing is, when I released v0.1.0, I'd referred to these unit scope names and " namespaces ". As a commenter pointed out, this was wrong. Said commenter was right that I was wrong. It was quite simple to change the text in the UI and docs, but the trouble was that the "NS" in Unit2NS stood for "namespace", and it's been bugging me. So I decided to change the name, I could have turned round "NS" to "SN" (for scope name), but that seemed like a cop out, so I've gone the whole hog and changed the name to ... 🎺🎺🎺... DUSE: D elphi U nit S cope E xpander. Corny, maybe, but I tried lots of...