gbg Garbage Generator v0.3.0 Released

Yesterday I released gbg v0.2.0, followed a few hours later by v0.3.0. Busy day!


When I announced the first release of gbg someone suggested an option to generate ASCII characters instead of random bytes. That's what I added in v0.2.0. There were two options that could be added to the command line:

  1. -a to generate printable ASCII characters with codes 32 to 126.
  2. -A to generate all ASCII characters with codes 0 to 127.
Here's the new commands being used with some sample output:


I like my command line programs to be able to display their version numbers, so I added the -V option to do just that.

The Usage screen also got updated:

Any More Suggestions?

Any more requests? Either leave a comment on open an issue on GitHub.


You can get the latest version from the GitHub releases page. I'd skip v0.2.0 and go straight to v0.3.0, but it's up to you.


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