Welcome freebie from Embarcadero for C++ fans
The other day I heard for the first time, from Jim McKeeth, about Embarcadero releasing a new version of Dev C++ that they'd forked from Bloodshed Dev-C++ and Orwell Dev-C++. It's an open source, free, C++ IDE.
I'm probably late to the party, and most of you know about this already, but I thought I'd share anyway.
What's this got to do with Delphi? OK it's a bit off topic, but it's written in Delphi!
I've downloaded the portable version to have a tinker with. Now it's C++ (shudder!) and it's, thankfully, been years since I wrote anything in C, but I'm curious. Did I mention I'm an old tight wad and it's free?
There are several themes available. I've chosen a dark one:
If you're interested you can read more and/or download it on GitHub or on the Embarcadero site.
Contributions to the project are welcome.
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