CodeSnip project hosting changes now complete
I recently gave notice that my CodeSnip project was being migrated to the new "Allura" forge software by SourceForge, and then decided to move CodeSnip's Subversion source code repository to GoogleCode.
I'm pleased to announce that the migrations are now complete and have been tested. Here are the relevant links:
- Online source code browser:
- Committed changes:
- Check-out URL for Subversion clients:
Note: Checkouts are read-only. To commit you need to be a project member. Contact me if you want to join the project.
Some of the old Subversion URLs may keep working for a while, but the the old repository will not be updated.
CodeSnip's download files (source and executable) remain on SourceForge at:
The bug report and feature request trackers remain on SourceForge but have new addresses:
- Bug report:
- Feature requests:
If you've been using the old CodeSnip SourceForge project, please update your links.
Post a Comment
Comments are very welcome, but please don't comment here if:
1) You have a query about, or a bug report for, one of my programs or libraries. Most of my posts contain a link to the relevant repository where there will be an issue tracker you can use.
2) You have a query about any 3rd party programs I feature, please address them to the developer(s) - there will be a link in the post.
3) You're one of the tiny, tiny minority who are aggressive or abusive - in the bin you go and reported you will be!