New Major Release of CompFileDate (File Date Comparison Utility)

Pulling together the loose ends to release the BDiff / BPatch Utilities yesterday must have triggered a tidying loose ends gene. Because now I've been motivated to put the finishing touches to some code I wrote a few months ago that significantly extends the capabilities of my CompFileDate File Date Comparison Utility. As a result CompFileDate v2.0.0 was released today.

This Windows command line app now lets you specify what operation is used in the comparison of file dates: ">" (i.e. file 1 is later than file 2), "<" (i.e. file 1 is earlier than file 2), "<=", ">=", "=" or "<>". You can also compare files' last modification dates or creation dates. Finally, when comparing the dates of shortcuts there is the option to compare the dates of the shortcuts or the dates of the shortcuts' target files.

Download the executable code from either SourceForge or GitHub.

The source is maintained in the delphidabbler/compfiledate Git repo on GitHub. Contributions welcome.


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