Problems with server: 2021/12/10 update

UPDATE: all fine now

Following on from yesterday's post I have decided to move to a new server.

Since I develop the website on GitHub, and the site is to all intents and purposes mirrored on GitHub I'm changing my DNS record to use as custom domain for All the content is already there leaving me nothing left to move.

While we're waiting for the changes to propagate, & (and their http:// equivalents) could lead you to either the old or new servers.

You can tell which because pages served from the old server have a great big yellow warning displayed at the top of each page, while pages served from GitHub Pages don't have the warning (but may have a red cookie message pop up).

Help Needed

If, by 12:00 UTC tomorrow (2021/12/11) you're still seeing the old server, I would be very grateful if you would let me know, either by commenting below, or by creating an issue on the delphidabbler/ project's Issue page on GitHub.

Tests of all the following URLs would be welcome:



    Just tried all 4 of these this evening.
    They all seemed to be working OK :_)

  2. Many thx BillSTP

    All the addresses are working for me too now.


Post a Comment

Comments are very welcome, but please don't comment here if:

1) You have a query about, or a bug report for, one of my programs or libraries. Most of my posts contain a link to the relevant repository where there will be an issue tracker you can use.

2) You have a query about any 3rd party programs I feature, please address them to the developer(s) - there will be a link in the post.

3) You're one of the tiny, tiny minority who are aggressive or abusive - in the bin you go and reported you will be!


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