Been and gone and moved!

Well that was a long haul!

I have just updated the nameservers to point at the new site

So now we wait a few hours for everything to propagate across the net and we're live on the new site.

And then we find out what broke in transition from the development server to the new production server!

So what's different?

A hell of a lot!

  • This is a ground up rewrite.
  • The site now plays nicely with phones and tablets.
  • Apart from www all the sub-domains have gone: no more,, or
  • Not all articles have made the move yet - they will do but it's time consuming. There are PDFs for the missing ones, for now.
  • The third party applications have gone.
  • Much stuff has been moved elsewhere. Some may be brought back, but much of it lives in a GitHub project somewhere. Browse my GitHub account at
  • The news feeds have gone
  • The new site finally supports SSL so https:// should soon work on and

The reason a lot got stripped away is that after I first decided against closure I decided to use the free website hosting on GitHub. That meant stripping out anything that couldn't be converted to static HTML files. And a lot of stuff on the old site was dynamic and database driven.

It's only after I'd done all the prep for the static site that I was given the opportunity to move to a full blown server with a LAMP stack. So I can now try to bring some dynamic pages back to the site. But only after a major rewrite - the old code is a mess!

Big thank you

Having mentioned being "given" the opportunity to move to a proper server, it's time to give credit where it's due. So huge thanks to Zach of Creo Hosting who stepped into the breach to save the site from closure by generously donating the web server space. It was a really kind gesture of support for the Delphi community. Covid-19 slowed the process, but we made it with a few days to spare before the old server closes for good!!


Here are some pics of the new site running on the development server. I'm hoping that's how they look on the production site ;-)

First, here's the home page running in Chrome on Windows 10

And second, displaying the same page in Chrome's phone emulator.


  1. Browse my GitHub account at ;-)

  2. Thx. Fixing it buh buh!

  3. Internal links are broken in the new site.
    They should point to not - there is a missing .html extension.

  4. Thx @Arnaud.

    The new site isn't being served to me yet, so I couldn't check the links, so I'm grateful you have.

    The test site was working fine redirecting article-999 to article-999.html, but not the production one obviously!

    I'll fix it as soon as I can.

    Thx again.

  5. Article links now working (I think!)


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Comments are very welcome, but please don't comment here if:

1) You have a query about, or a bug report for, one of my programs or libraries. Most of my posts contain a link to the relevant repository where there will be an issue tracker you can use.

2) You have a query about any 3rd party programs I feature, please address them to the developer(s) - there will be a link in the post.

3) You're one of the tiny, tiny minority who are aggressive or abusive - in the bin you go and reported you will be!


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