Site move due 9 June 2020

The new web server for is up and running and just waiting for me to point the name servers at it

I'm doing that on 9 June.

So, the new site should start to replace the old one over the following couple of days as the change propagates across the net. Please refresh your browser's cache if the new site doesn't show up.

Note that the old server closes down sometime on 14 or 15 June, so if the new site does not appear by then, keep force-refreshing your browser.

As I've mentioned before, quite a bit of the old site's content will not be moved over - there's just not been time. The web apps may make a re-appearance in the future, but for now they're gone. Much of the info that does not make it onto the new site has been moved into various GitHub repositories so the data is not lost.

At long last the site is getting https enabled - the old server prohibited this but the new one allows it.


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