Delphi Tips has a new URL

The Delphi Tips micro site has at long last been re-integrated into

It now has its own sub-domain:

The site still has its own identity, but I think the URL is a bit more memorable.

The original URL ( and the later URL ( should both automatically redirect to the new URL.

The tips microsite will continue to be maintained in the delphidabbler/delphi-tips repo on GitHub, separate from the main site which lives in delphidabbler/

Teething Troubles

The change to the new subdomain broke the link to the site's style sheet. This has been fixed now and the site's styling should appear similar to the following picture:

But if it looks more like the next picture, you need to force a refresh (e.g. Ctrl+F5 on Chrome):

Note: both the above images are in mobile view, not desktop, but it's the colours that are the give away.

Right, I'm off to change all the links to the old URL that I can find.


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