
Showing posts from February, 2022

Focus On: HelpNDoc (part 4)

This is the fourth and final post in a series of blog posts about my experience of using  HelpNDoc  in a real life project to produce documentation for my  Unit2NS  program. In this post we're going to mop up all the subjects that were outstanding after the first three parts: Part one : An introduction to  HelpNDoc Starting a new project Adding content, including: Adding & editing topics Formatting text & using styles Creating hyperlinks Inserting images Using variables Generating help documentation Part two : Customising document output using  HelpNDoc  scripts Conditionally including content depending on the type of document. Part three : Source code generation. Keywords. Inhibiting the Copyright message in help topics. Which leaves the following subject for this post: Custom build tags Customising document output. Various topic properties not covered in parts 1 to 3. Please note that there have been a couple of updates to  HelpNDoc ...

Focus On: HelpNDoc (part 3)

This is the third in a series of blog posts about my experience of using HelpNDoc in a real life project to produce documentation for my Unit2NS program. Please note that there have been a couple of updates to  HelpNDoc  since I started this series, but I have stayed with v7.7.0.519 throughout for consistency. In part one I covered: An introduction to HelpNDoc Starting a new project Adding content, including: Adding & editing topics Formatting text & using styles Creating hyperlinks Inserting images Using variables Generating help documentation And in part two I discussed: Customising document output using HelpNDoc scripts Conditionally including content depending on the type of document After part two, the left-over subjects were: Source code generation Keywords Inhibiting the Copyright message in help topics Using custom build tags Customising document output. Various topic properties not covered to date The first three subjects will be discussed in this post, w...

Focus On: HelpNDoc (part 2)

This is the second part of a series of blog posts taking a close look at HelpNDoc . Here are links to the other posts in the series: part one part three part four In the first part of this deep dive into using HelpNDoc  we ended up with a complete help document for my Unit2NS  program. There was more to do though, which I listed at the end of that post: Scripting. Conditional content. Source code generation. Keywords. Inhibiting the Copyright message in help topics. Custom variables build tags. Customising document output. Various topic properties not covered previously. In this post we'll be taking a close look at the first two items in the list. The others will be returned to in subsequent posts. Scripting In part 1 I said I wanted to create four different document types from our single HelpNDoc  project: HTML Help file. HTML5 web site. Markdown. PDF. We managed to generate 1, 2 & 4 in part 1 , but we left the Markdown version for lat...

System Information Unit v5.9.0 released

I've just updated my system information unit  with the following changes to the operating system detection class TPJOSInfo : Updated to detect the new Windows 10 version 22H1 preview. Changed Windows 11 RSPRERELESE build 22509 to report "Windows 11 Insider Preview" instead of "Windows 11 Version 21H2". More info . Fixed a problem where Windows Server  was being reported as Windows 2019 Server . It seems that a couple of Windows Server releases between Windows 2019 Server  and Windows 2022 Server  did not include the year number in the release name. This meant introducing a new  TPJOSProduct.osWinServer product type. More info . The demo programs were also updated to report the newly added Windows Server  product where detected. You can get the new version from my website or direct from  SourceForge  (direct download link).