Arrgh! Silly error ends in another little System Information Unit update

When I published v5.6.1 of the System Information Unit a couple of days back, I failed to catch another strange error in v5.6.0. As a result I've pushed out another bug fix today: v5.6.2.

What error? Well it's a weird one - somehow I introduced a different version of the dash character into the some of the comments in PJSysInfo.pas - I think I copied and pasted the comments from a website. I fixed it by replacing the dashes with ASCII "-" characters.

Who cares? Anyone using an old pre-Unicode version of Delphi should care, because it's entirely possible that the compiler will choke on such a character. I haven't tested it because I don't have such a beast. But better safe than sorry - this would be a pig of a bug to catch a few months down the line. I only noticed it because SourceTree's diff viewer couldn't display the characters.

Well that's an hour I won't get back!

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