Focus On: Deleaker - a Delphi, C++ & C# Memory Leak Detector

A week or so ago Artem Razin got in touch with me to ask if I'd take a look at his Deleaker program and mention it in my blog. I agreed and this blog is about how I've been using it and what I've discovered.

This is by no means a definitive account of how to use the program and I'm far from an expert user. For the final word on this program, see the Deleaker docs.

You can get a free trial and pricing info from the Deleaker Website.

Deleaker stand-alone window
Deleaker stand-alone window


This is the first blog I've written about a commercial third party program.

For the sake of transparency I want to disclose that I received a free license for this product from Artem, for which I'm grateful.

Offer to other developers

I'm happy to offer to blog about other useful development software (or Delphi libraries) from other small developers. For more info see my "Promoting Delphi developers & applications?" blog post.

So what is it?

Deleaker is memory leak detector / profiler for Delphi, C++ & C# that works with both un-managed and .NET managed code. The program can be installed stand-alone (as in the above screen-shot) and/or it can be integrated into the Delphi / C++ Builder RAD Studio IDE (along with Visual Studio & Qt Creator).

So far I've only used the integrated version of Deleaker with Delphi 11 Alexandria, so I won't be talking about the stand-alone version here. Neither will I be talking about integration with other IDEs, C++, .NET etc. It's a Delphi blog after all - the clue's in the name!

My experience to date of using a memory leak analyser was time spent staring at the built in memory manager's leak warning dialogue box, wondering where to track down the listed leaks. So I didn't know what to expect from this program.

Screen-shot of Delphi's built in "Unexpected Memory Leak" dialogue box
Delphi's Memory Leak dialogue box

Now don't get me wrong - I have used the info in this dialogue box to track down some hard to find leaks, so I'm not knocking it. But more info would be helpful, and that's what Deleaker gives me, in spades!


There's a standard Windows installer, which is pretty much as you'd expect. The installer detects what supported IDEs you've got and offers to integrate with them. I've installed it stand-alone and integrated it with all my Delphis:

Screen-shot of "Select Components" page of Deleaker installer
Deleaker installer showing component selection page


If you chose to integrate Deleaker with Delphi / C++ Builder, you'll see a new Deleaker menu option in your IDE's menu bar:

Screen-shot of the Deleaker menu in the Delphi 11 menu bar
Deleaker menu option in the Delphi 11 IDE

The Deleaker Window is pretty useful if, like me, you just have the one full HD monitor: I have to keep hiding and re-displaying the window as needed. Those with multiple monitors may be able to park it somewhere convenient.

When enabled, Deleaker collects data (takes a "Snapshot") every time you close a program that you have run from the debugger.

Screen-shot of the Deleaker progress dialogue displayed while collecting allocation data
Deleaker progress dialogue displayed while collecting allocation data

So most of the time I have it disabled and re-enable periodically to see if I've introduced a memory leak. Therefore the Enabled option gets a lot of use.

So far I've not had to tinker with the Options dialogue box: there's a lot of control available, most of which is above my head, so I'm leaving well alone until I feel the need to go and tweak something!

Oh, one more thing I found out by accident: Deleaker's window is dockable. If you have enough screen real estate you might want to create a debug desktop with Deleaker docked somewhere:

Screen-shot of Deleaker docked in the Delphi 11 IDE
Deleaker docked in the Delphi 11 IDE

Basic Use

At first I made the mistake of assuming Deleaker was merely a much enhanced replacement for the old memory manager's Unexpected Memory Leak dialogue box, and indeed I do use it that way. As I mentioned, enabling Deleaker and then running a program from in the IDE's debugger means that Deleaker will run automatically when you close your program. It will check for memory leaks and report them if it finds them, giving huge amounts of data to help you track them down.

Note that you need certain debug information enabled for Deleaker to work. That is well explained in the documentation, so I won't go into it here.

I tried out an example based on one in Deleaker's documentation: I created a small program that deliberately introduced three memory leaks:

  • A Delphi Object: a TStringList.
  • A GDI object
  • Memory allocated with GetMem.
Running and closing the program resulted in Deleaker displaying the following information in it's Allocations tab:

Animated screen shot showing Deleaker displaying information about memory leaks
Deleaker displaying information about memory leaks

You can see that it lists the type of each leak. Clicking on the leak in the top list view shows the related call stack below. Double-clicking on any unit name takes you to the relevant line in the source code.

But why are four leaks reported, when I created three? Well, it seems the TStringList object is reported both as a Heap memory allocation and as a Delphi object allocation. The other Heap memory allocation is from GetMem and the brush is, well, the HBRUSH allocation.

Actually, the easiest way to view Delphi objects is to use the the Delphi Objects tab instead: there's just one entry there. Selecting it shows the associated source units and double clicking on the unit name takes you to the correct line in the code editor:

Screen-shot of Deleaker and Delphi IDE showing result of clicking on Delphi Object leak
IDE displaying code line after double-clicking on information about TStringList leak in Deleaker

Hidden leaks? What's that about?

Now here's something I didn't know, but should have realised. There are lots of leaks in the Windows API. Deleaker hides them all by default, but you can reveal them using the Filters drop down on the Allocations tab:
Screen-shot of Delaker's Filters menu on Allocation tab
Deleaker's Filters menu on Allocations tab

You can also use the Options dialogue box to exclude certain modules:

Screen shot showing how to edit excluded modules list in Deleaker
Deleaker editing excluded modules list

But, the default is a good choice, because it restricts the reported to leaks to those you can actually do something about. I'm sticking with that.

Going Further

Now, even just reviewing memory leaks when the program you are debugging finishes is a great step up for me, but you can also profile your application's memory use by taking snapshots while it is running.

In this example I created an application that creates three TBitmaps then frees just two of them, resulting in a memory leak. I set a breakpoint on each line of code then ran the application and opened the Deleaker window within the Delphi IDE. Then I took a snapshot, ran to the next breakpoint and took another snapshot. I did this until the program window appeared and then closed the program and kept the snapshot Deleaker took at the end of the program. Each snapshot was given a unique name that described the state of the program when I took it. (You can rename snapshots simply by typing in the combo box and then clicking out of it.)

Here's an animated GIF showing the state of the breakpoints and Delphi objects at each snapshot:

Animation showing Taking snapshots taken as Delphi steps through a program
Taking snapshots taken as Delphi steps through a program

You may notice that only TBitmap & TBitmapImage instances are shown. That's because I have entered TBitmap in the Filter by name edit box to restrict the results shown. If I'd not done this then all the objects that are instantiated by a Delphi 11 VCL application would have been shown. For example, here's the Start-up snapshot again without any filtering:

Screen-shot of Deleaker showing all Delphi objects at the start of a VCL program
Deleaker showing all Delphi objects at the start of a VCL program

You can return to any snapshot by selecting it in the combo box. They can also be saved and loaded, although I haven't tried doing that yet. Usefully, you can compare snapshots too. Use the Compare with... button to generate a diff of two snapshots. Here's our our test project showing a comparison of the Create B1 and Create B3 snapshots:

Screen-shot of Deleaker comparing snapshots
Deleaker comparing snapshots

As you can see I've cleared the Filter by name edit control so this comparison is showing all objects created but not freed between the two snapshots. Note that if all objects created between snapshots have also been freed nothing will be shown here.

This is going to be very useful in narrowing down the parts of code where memory leaks get generated.

What are all those tabs for?

There are several tabs of information available, a couple of which I've mentioned. Here's a quick summary of what I've learned so far.


This is a tab I've not had cause to use. It seems to display the full path to the process being debugged at the time of the snapshot:

Screen-shot of Deleaker Processes tab
Deleaker - Processes tab


We've worked with the Allocations tab already. This is the most detailed view. Here's a typical view of the tab, with all leaks displayed. The type of each leak is listed. The call stack for the selected leak is also displayed.

Screen shot of Deleaker's Allocations tab with all allocation types shown
Deleaker - Allocations tab - All leak types shown

The display can be filtered by leak type by using the Leak type drop down list:

Screen-shot of Deleaker leak type selection drop down list
Deleaker - leak type selection

Here's a screen-shot of the same allocations list filtered on GDI objects:

Screen shot of Deleaker's Allocations tab with only GDI objects shown
Deleaker - Allocations tab - GDI objects shown

And here's the list again, this time with only Memory leak types displayed:

Screen shot of Deleaker's Allocations tab with only Memory leak type shown
Deleaker - Allocations tab - Memory leak types shown

Delphi Objects

We've already talked about this tab. It lists all the Delphi Objects in the current snapshot. Double clicking a class name opens the code that created the object in the IDE.

Screen-shot of Deleaker Delphi Objects tab
Deleaker - Delphi Objects tab

For each object its call stack is listed. Don't forget you can limit the number of objects displayed by using the Filter by name edit box.


Finally, we have the Module tab that displays information about modules loaded by the process:

Screen-shot of the Deleaker Modules tab
Deleaker - Modules tab

You can get system load information about each module by right clicking a module and selecting the Symbol Load Information for <module-name> menu option. Here we are displaying system load information for DWMAPI.DLL:

Screen-shot of the Deleaker Module System Load Information dialogue box
Deleaker - Module System Load Information

Resource Graph Usage

I've not had cause to use this tab in anger, but it shows graphs of memory usage, the number of allocated handles, number of GDI objects and number of USER objects.

It's going to be useful to find if your application is consuming more and more memory as it proceeds. For example, here's the results of running a test application that create 10,000 TStringList instances every time I clicked a button. You can see memory allocation increasing when I was clicking the button quickly:

Screen-shot of Deleaker memory allocation graph
Deleaker memory allocation graph

This test resulted in a lot of memory leakage. And that slowed down the snapshot that Deleaker took at when I closed the program ... by a lot.


I've not explored this tab at all. I can't find anything in the docs, so no comment!

Summing Up

Personally, I'm going to keep using Deleaker as part of my work flow.

I seem to be settling down into leaving it disabled while I'm hacking away and then running it periodically to make sure I haven't introduced any leaks. If I have and I catch things early enough I can probably track them down easily enough by using the snapshot Deleaker creates when I exit the program. If not I can start setting break points and taking and comparing snapshots until I home in on the leak.

Those main links again:

Any errors and omissions in this blog post are mine. I bear no responsibility for the application itself though.

Thanks once again to Artem for the license. 


Please read this before commenting

Please address any queries about using or buying Deleaker directly to Artem via his website and not in the comments below. All I know I've written above and I've nothing to add!

However, any comments about the post are welcome as always.


  1. What a great review! Dear Peter, thank you so much for taking the time to play with Deleaker and writing such a detailed article.

  2. I had heard about DeLeaker and it sounded useful. Thanks for posting a hands-on review of the app. I may have to give this a try myself as your take on it was very positive. Thanks :-)


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Comments are very welcome, but please don't comment here if:

1) You have a query about, or a bug report for, one of my programs or libraries. Most of my posts contain a link to the relevant repository where there will be an issue tracker you can use.

2) You have a query about any 3rd party programs I feature, please address them to the developer(s) - there will be a link in the post.

3) You're one of the tiny, tiny minority who are aggressive or abusive - in the bin you go and reported you will be!


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